Blue Friday

Imagery and writing to inspire nature connectedness, a sense of grounding, and the joy of not being sold anything.


Silhouettes, 2022


I was invited by Trent Rivers Trust to create an antidote to the Black Friday sales on the theme of wellbeing in blue spaces. I visited the river at sunrise to take photos for an Instagram takeover, and I wrote the following post -

“At this time of year, when the nights are drawing in and the ground underfoot is wet and soggy, I find myself drawn closer to the beauty of nature. Everyone enjoys bright Summer days, but in Winter there’s a thrill in noticing the unexpected, like a raindrop glistening on a rosehip.

There is so much right on my doorstep if only I stop and pay attention to it. I like to use all of my senses - like breaking a pine needle between my fingers to smell the sap, or running my hand over dew-laden grass.

I encourage you to notice more of the natural world around where you live and appreciate what you find. It might inspire you to take a photo, learn to identify a new species, or make a seasonal playlist.

This morning I rushed out on my bike to take photos of the sunrise over the River Trent to share with you. It was a quiet and peaceful moment that I shared with birds that were emerging from their roost. I hope you enjoy these images and know that you have access to nature any time you like.”

Thank you to Trent Rivers Trust for the invitation to be a small part of the good work that you do restoring our river


Morninglight, 2022

Waterbird, 2022

Thin, 2022

Riverlight, 2022

Flight, 2022


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I’d love to hear what you think of my work and would really appreciate your first impressions and feedback. It’s always useful to understand more about how people receive my work.

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Manufacturing Wool


Mitten Bank